Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Blood. BLOOD!

Proud to present to you, Sarah, the future but I bet I won't be a blood tester! XD

Today, my classmates and I carried out blood tests to identify the blood group of students.

So, I think it was a success? I'll leave out all the details, so try out yourself to actually understand how it works! :D All I have to say is that when the blood coagulates, its the awesomest thing evaaar~

5 Arif today was C-H-A-O-T-I-C! One moment, Mariam is shouting for attention for the class shirt. Next moment, Nikki is shouting for attention for the classfund-raising.

Poor us.

I'm actually very sleepy and tired today + now, after walking up and down to call students for blood test. So I'll keep everything here short. Most probably leaving out some juicy bit of my life today D:

blame blood test! XD

JAM lover ♥

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