Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Parable of the Talents

Scripture reference: Matthew 25: 14 - 30

In the past, someone once told me, to give everything to the Lord.
That He will do great things with what I've given.

Someone once told me, to pray before every exam.
That He will guide me through my papers.
And that He will give me great results.

Someone once told me, that prayer alone does nothing.
He will not help those who do not help themselves.

So I studied, and I prayed.
Even with prayer, effort must be made.

Not too long ago, we talked about courtship.
"Why?" I thought.
"Why haven't I got a boyfriend yet?"

"Pray to God, pray that you'll meet the one."
"God knows what you want. God provides the best for you."
"He will give. You just have to wait."

In the real world, people are talking about GO, FIND a boyfriend.
Not SIT, WAIT FOR a boyfriend.

How do those advices about waiting make sense now?
What about "Even with prayer, effort must be made?"
Why was I told that I just have to wait for the Father to give me the perfect one?
What if he is in Japan, and I assumed that I just have to wait in Malaysia?
Ceh wah, relax sikit.

So I had a revelation in the shower just now.
I've asked my human friends that question about going to find my one, and the answers I get are always
He knows what's best
Don't rush things
Follow God's plans

The parable about the talents.
The man who didn't multiply the one talent Jesus gave him.
He didn't move because he thinks Jesus is just some 贪小便宜 person.

That man didn't make an effort.
That man was condemned.

Said Jesus.

There, I have the answer.

While asking Jesus for the path.

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