Sunday, March 27, 2011

Scholarships, scholarships, well, actually just one.

I'm only applying for one scholarship and its the Monbukagakusho one, to Japan. Because all the other scholarships do not offer my field of study; biotechnology and/or agriculture. Monbukagakusho offered both. Heh, rejoicing.

But the closing date is 1st April and tomorrow will be 28th March already. I still need the headmistress' stamp of approval (HAHAHA) and then send the application out. Who knows how long does it take a mail to reach a certain place in Malaysia. *sighs*

By the way, if you are interested, I got;

3A+; English, Mathematics & Additional Mathematics
3A; Sejarah, Chemistry & Physics
2A-; Moral & Biology
2B+; Bahasa Melayu & English for Science and Technology

Oh, the joy. The B subjects are subjects that I always get at least an A- in school yet I got B+ for SPM :( Dad wants to appeal for recheck for the 2 subjects. GAH, but I'm happy that I got 8As :')

So, now, I am frustrated, of my carelessness and not being an ambitious person. But this habit, I have no idea how to get rid of it. /is being careless again

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